Hi bloggers, today I want write about my 2018.

well, this year has been very intense for me, with many changes.

Has been good things, in January and February, I trip trought Bolivia with my friends, I knew new places as Uyuni, La Paz, Coroico and Rurrenabaque, I was in the Jungle and above the clouds in more than  4000 meters.
I started new activities, since march I´m going to the pool, and I have progressed a lot in swimming. Also I started to practice Yoga, and now is very important for my life.

The bad part in this year has been understand that the life is hard sometimes, and in ocassions all look it bad, but just are moments. Really,  I don't believe in the idea of achievemnts and failure, I think that just are actions, and the persons assign a value for this actions, for example, this year I was some sick, somebody could say that I has a failure, but I prefer think that this was a oportunity for grow like person, and be more strong for the future, but this aren't a achievemnt just is a learning.

This year still I have to do more things for be a better son, and brother. I have that be more responsable in the house, be more collaborator with my mom.

I want that this year over good, whit many love for my friends and for my family.

Resultado de imagen para 2018


  1. I like your thoughts about the achievements. I wish u an excellent 2019.


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