Postgraduate Studies

Hi bloggers, today I want write about my future studies.

Really I don't like the idea of postgraduate studies too much. I Really  think that the Postgraduate studies are for an elite and in mi case I would prefer to travel or learn other things. Well, but I if change my opinion, maybe I'm going to study a topic related with the poscolonialism in Latin America, and the extermination of differents cultures by the Governments and globalitzation.

These topics are very important for the Latin American. The politic and the economic systems are exterminating people, and destroying the environments. Someone should do something about it, I think that if you are not part of the change you become part of problem, and I'm not going to be part of the problem. I believe the education can be a important tool for the change.

I would like to study in any Latin American country because we have a similar problems. For example, in Chile the State kills Mapuche people, in Brazil  companys are killing amazonic people, in Peru the companies displace people of their leaving places, and these abuses will continue if we don´t stop them.

I think I would like  to learn directly from  people. I think the university and the academic are very passive with the injustices, just in this moment the Chilean State killed a one Peñi Mapuche, and the university does do  anything.


Resultado de imagen para araucania policia


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