My personal opinion

What is your opinion about the Chilean politicans?
In my opinion the chilean politic history is very influenced for the high society, since that Chile is a independent , the aristocratics people is in the power, and  in 200 years this situation continues.  I think that the traditional politicians are separated of the national reality, they don't know the hard part of  be poor or sometimes to be hungry.

What is your opinion about Inmigraton?
In my opinion the migration of people between differents countries is a natural process. In the nature the animals move because they need get better conditions and the people are animals. I think that the limits acroos of the earth are invented by a little segment of society.

What is your opinion about climate change ?
The climate change is a hard situation for the Earth. And us, the humans, are the principal responsibles. This economic sistem  take the natural resources of the environments, kill animals, produce plastic, pollute the see and the air. We bought all products whithout think in the consecuences.

What is your opinion about having an exotic pet at home ?
In my opinion have an exotic pet in the house is an individualist act, have an animal outside of his naturals conditions is very bad for his health. I respect people that take care for the sick animals but the animals aren't us propiety  .


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